
Since our founding in 1999, DPCI has performed hundreds of content technology projects for organizations of all types and sizes. Our approach has been to help organizations like yours improve the tools and methods your staff needs to collaborate on content publishing. This invariably leads to optimizing your team's ability to publish content across the channels that your customers want to be reached on, be they digital or in print.

Content solutions can't be just about a tech agency implementing a web CMS for you to post information on. We see the challenge in a more holistic way, with integrated technologies like Web content management, digital asset management, multi-channel publishing and workflow management systems.

Among the solutions DPCI has expertise with include:

Drupal 8 Logo
Companies come to DPCI when they need to push Drupal to its limits in the enterprise - both within Drupal's own functionality as well as how it is interconnected with other content and business applications.
entermedia logo
EnterMedia is an enterprise-ready open-source digital asset management (DAM) solution to track, manage and share photos, videos, and other document formats online. EnterMedia is a Java-based platform distributed with complete open source code and SDK. Using EnterMedia's Java REST API, DPCI has implemented and enhanced EnterMedia to integrate with Web content management systems and multi-channel publishing solutions, providing customers with an interface to easily retrieve and associate images with other content for publishing to multiple media.
ResourceSpace Logo

ResourceSpace is an open source (BSD copyleft license) digital asset management system that has been in the marketplace for over a decade. It was founded by Dan Huby of Montala Limited. Since inception, ResourceSpace is now implemented at hundreds of institutions globally, including ESPN, an implementation that DPCI was grateful to have the opportunity to undertake.

OpenKM is a reliable and affordable open-source records and document management system, to store, manage and track physical and digital document assets. From a single workspace, OpenKM can easily capture paper-based information, allowing organizations to securely maintain information about business activities and transactions without spending a fortune.
vjoon K4
vjoon K4 is an editorial workflow management system, built within the Adobe Creative Cloud framework, that is used by editors, designers, and production professionals to collaborate more effectively. DPCI helps organizations optimize their investment in the vjoon K4 Publishing System. DPCI also helps companies upgrade K4 to version 10 from earlier versions.