Carlisle FoodService Products manufactures over 16,000 food service products in 82 countries. Renowned for its dedication to quality, Carlisle needed a way to integrate marketing information and imagery with its primary mainframe system.
Carlisle FoodService Products manufactures over 16,000 food service products in 82 countries. Renowned for its dedication to quality, Carlisle needed a way to integrate marketing information and imagery with its primary mainframe system.
One of the greatest challenges Carlisle faced was harvesting product information from hundreds of QuarkXPress layouts for reuse to the company's website. This included not only marketing information and images but also technical specifications. Moreover, since Carlisle publishes in at least seven languages, the application had to be built to accommodate them.
In 2000, DPCI engineers designed and built a state-of-the-art transactional content management system directly into the Carlisle DB2/400 primary business system--arguably the first content management system expressly created on that platform.
The system generates both print catalog pages and dynamically serves the corporate website with the latest and most accurate product information.
Moreover, the Carlisle CMS helps Carlisle staff manage the corporate brand, storing both product images and corporate imagery in an easy-to-search database system. A grand slam for Carlisle, who now serves its distributors the concise and timely information they need to sell to their customer chain.
DPCI: We bolster manufacturers' supply chain systems.