Our Expertise

The exponential growth of content means that corporations are faced with the daunting task of managing the increasing volume of interrelated digital assets. Most organizations own hundreds of thousands if not millions of digital materials - including corporate branding assets, rights-managed photography, creative artwork, audio and video clips, interactive 'objects' and any other kind of digital asset imaginable. Not only are assets left disorganized, lost or unsecurely stored, but these companies do not get the most value of their assets across media channels.

DPCI-implemented Web content management systems are based on a philosophy of instant access. Our solutions allow non-technical personnel to become producers and quickly publish online via a simple, template-driven Web browser interface.
DPCI is a leader in content technology consulting for companies that publish to multiple media. Led by our CEO, Joe Bachana, this service unit has helped global clients identify underlying organizational hurdles that have prevented them from being successful, then work to define successful strategic technology roadmaps.
DPCI has proven experience with Multi-Channel Publishing Systems, allowing companies to efficiently deliver centralized sources of content to print, Web, mobile, and tablet devices.