Multichannel publishing technology is at the heart of DPCI's service offering to its customers. We help the modern enterprise improve the way it publishes content to any channel, be it print, Web, mobile, tablet, and e-reader devices.
In 1990, former CEO and publisher of The New York Times Arthur “Punch” Sulzberger said in a staff meeting, “Someday people will be scrolling down news stories using a tiny knob on the side of their eyeglasses”. This tongue-in-cheek prediction really impressed DPCI’s President, Joseph Bachana, who was a new employee of The New York Times at that time. Why not?
Nine years later, Mr. Bachana founded DPCI with the mandate to help organizations publish content to any channel, be it print or digital. In fact, DPCI’s first slogan was a call-to-action for customers to “Reach your Audience, Anywhere.”
Twenty-eight years after Mr. Sulzberger’s speech, the tablet device comes as no surprise to the team at DPCI. Mobile devices of all shapes and sizes will continue to proliferate in order to satisfy the consumer's hunger to interact with content in a variety of form factors.
DPCI is a worldwide leader in designing multi-channel publishing systems for organizations that create catalog, direct mail, directories, and periodic literature (books, magazines, newspapers) across multiple channels.
Companies concerned about leveraging investments in existing infrastructure, as well as having multi-channel systems implemented properly, come to DPCI for help. These customers invest in our services and support for peace of mind, since they know that we have much experience helping organizations deliver highly stylized content to their customers--in print, on the Web, or to mobile and tablet devices.